DAILY MANNA, Fill In 25, !+!,

DAILY MANNA, Fill In 25, !+!, We struggle daily as Christian living in this world where we try to fit in and not stand out too much unless we have to. We want all the blessings and favor of God, but we fell to go all in or all out for Christ. We want to be known as a Christian at home, at church and in Heaven, but the world doesn’t know who we are or what we believe. We want Heaven to intervene on our behalf and we want the protection of the hedge of God surrounding us at all times, but that’s good only when we are out there doing the work in the fields. What’s good about having a hedge of protection from the enemy when the enemy see’s you on his side most of your life. He won’t bother you too much as long as you are not saying you are a Christian and not doing those things God ask of you to do. As long as you stay in the darkness and not let your light shine, the enemy won’t care too much about you. Then what good are God’s blessings on your life? What Good is the favor of God you ask for when you are not showing your true self to the world? You are living in the shadows not being recognized for the light that lives in you, which can’t be hidden. Don’t ask for the things God so freely gives each of us if you won’t use them for the Kingdom. Matt 5:14-16, Psalm 129:8, Num 6:25, Prov 3:4, Psalm 27:8, Gal 1:10, 1 Thess 2:4, Job 1:10, Psalm 91, 1 Peter 5:8, Rom 8:32, Matt 10:8

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